Botox injections, using Botulinum Toxin to relax the muscles from moving for a limited time.
Innotox is produced by Medytox, a South Korean biopharmaceutical company that specializes in developing and manufacturing various botulinum toxin products. Improved formula and vertical form which is 100% safe, and produces an effective long-lasting result.

Treatment Area & Costs

Possible downtime such as muscle heavier, headache, pain, swelling or bruising might occur at the injection site. It will subside and back to normal within 7-14 days depend.
Lasting Time
In general, Botox lasts 3-4 months. But there will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range depend on individual.
Result Effect
It can take 3-4 days before the botox begins to works and movement is stalled. The maximum results is after 14 days after treatment.
After Care
Don't get a facial or head massage or rubbing your face in the area that was treated for a least 10-14 days after Botox. You may return to your normal activities after 24 hours such as sporting etc.